Monday 29 April 2013

Ultramarines Land Raider

This is my very latest bit of freehand on a Land Raider that Ed had already airbrushed. I decided on using the 2 long strips at the op, and maybe something small on each side.

I decided a banner would be good, and my son gave me the idea of having it wrapped around a sword. Ed sprayed the sword on for me as it was a big area, and I just added the handle. Also we did the banner parts using a stencil and airbrush.

I decided to add a bit to the banner as it was a bit too square and neat so I went over some of the edges and put some highlights on the handle. Not sure if this now makes the blade a little artificial looking in comparison?

On the other side, with the lack of room I just added a purity seal. I toyed with the idea of a thunder hammer but it was too narrow a space and would have looked weird in scale compared to the sword.

I then decided on putting a space marine face on the side door and chose one from "The Emperors Might" book of artwork. It began as a small face but then I got carried away and spread outwards adding a shoulder and terminator helmet. I'm glad I did as I'm really pleased with it and I think it's one of my favourite bits of freehand so far. I'll probably look back on it in a few months and think it's rubbish though as I'm starting to do with some of my early work!

I thought the other side was a bit too empty so I added a skull and laurels to the other front side part. Although for me, the terminator is definately the focal point. This is also on eBay and if it sells well I might do another for a different chapter.

Blood Angels Baal Predator

I then decided to paint up my Baal Predator to sell. I'm selling my Blood Angels stock and so I'm freehanding a bit at a time. There isn't as much flat space compared to a rhino so I was limited to the doors. I painted the blood drop logo on the front with a name banner, and decided at the last minute to put a face on the back. I did the one from the codex (the wired up man shouting, you can tell I know nothing about the characters!).
I'm quite pleased with it although maybe I should've done the face in steel or gold, as it looks a bit pinkish. Ed did the weathering on it and I think it shows up more than on the ultramarines ones. I might try my hand at weathering one day. I also told Ed he should put more of his things on here..we'll see.  Anyway, this tank is also on eBay

Blood Angels Rhino #2

After the Ultramarines tanks I decided to try another face so I revisited the idea of putting another Sanguinor on a Blood Angels rhino. This time I got a picture of an angel statue from google images and recreated it (in gold) on the top. I am fairly pleased with the result and it is currently on ebay for sale!

Ultramarines Rhino Banner Freehand

I decided to paint some tanks we had lying around, and to practice my freehand after the long break. So, I put this banner on top of an ultramarine rhino. I did 2 the same and sold them on ebay, got good feedback on the artwork I had done. Not sure if I should do more banners as Ed pointed out that they can be bought as tranfers and were'nt that unique. Next project would be another face!

Competition Entry

Well, it's been a while! After a house move, change in job etc etc I have finally begun painting again! I had a go at entering a competition in store. We had to paint a HQ so I chose Vect and put him on his own personal raider.

I conversted vect using chopped up bits of dark eldar and sat him on a throne of skulls made from tomb kings skeletons. I used green stuff to give him a cape and smakes writhing around, and then made his staff.

I kept the harlequin theme with the converted wyches and also made them pirates with hooks, eye patches etc. I made his ship a bit like a pirate ship "Asdrubaels curse"

For the base I decided as it was a pirate ship it would be flying over water, so I created the sea creatures arm to be wrapped around holding it up, and created the water effect and swirls below using water effects.

I won!