Saturday, 11 May 2013

More Ultramarines!!!

Putting off doing my stormraven, I decided to do some more Ultramarines freehand. I felt like after a week of not doing any, I should start off with something small.

I took the design from a google image and sketched the rough outline in my sketchbook. I'm fairly happy with how it's turned out, I was against doing a blue ultramarine on a blue background, but by mixing in a little codex grey and space wolves grey it managed to blend in nicely without disappearing too much.

I added a couple of the eagles to frame it at the top, and I'm going to put a gold skull and ultra banner on the side.

I might try adding more of a rust effect to it this time as recommended to me on a forum, Ed's just looking through some youtube recipes now! Might try more muddier tyres and a whiter headlight, as it is a bit too yellowy.

I'll put up better pictures when these are done.

with preliminary sketch.

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